Post by scbrian on Jul 14, 2014 21:58:18 GMT
Ignore my ramblings as it helps me to sort... Went in to work today after a week vacation, was brought into the new bosses office and let go after 13yrs. "The company is moving in a new direction and we don't think you'll fit in with our plans"... Wow, no notice, out of the blue, etc. Was asked to resign... The pros Was given a 3 month severance package for resigning. Wife picked up a 2nd job not to long ago, so the hit isn't as bad as it could be. Have a decent network built up so here's to hoping I land on my feet. Have a 2nd job I can fall back on, though granted no where near where I was (less than half actually). Fkers owe me a pension (Granted it's been frozen for some years, but it's still 80$/month) lol Didnt have me sign a no compete. Can go to a competitor with my contacts, etc. The Cons. Loss of health, dental, life insurances, etc. Had the wife call up Dr's and re-up all meds. She's out to pick them up. Don't know how they'll play out... 401k frozen. Gotta figure that one out. Not a great job market currently Didn't finish college so some of my options are limited. :/ Rethinking my thoughts on unions but that will pass (probably) Suspect may be more to follow. Found out a coworker put his 2 weeks in on Friday, didn't see it from him as his wife is undergoing cancer treatments... No beer at home and the scotch supply is fairly depleted. Dont want to hit a ABC store...
Post by Browning35 on Jul 14, 2014 22:12:39 GMT
Wow, that blows. Had something like that happen to me a couple years ago.
As you can see I'm still alive.
No, Scotch... But I'd help you out on the alcohol situation with Corona and lime and dark rum and coke, but I don't think you live anywhere near DFW.
Post by homerj on Jul 14, 2014 22:18:20 GMT
That blows x2, I don't know what your field is but in this day and age I hope your experience will help you out in your transition. College is great but experience and maturity are something you can't be tought in any school.
Post by scbrian on Jul 15, 2014 3:11:20 GMT
yea, just annoyed to say the least. :/
Post by nxp on Jul 15, 2014 5:08:15 GMT
Bummer, but this could be a blessing in disguise.
From the sounds of it, you were planning for this even without realizing it - you've got a network, you've got contacts, and you're not being held hostage via lawyer-work. I'd take a day or so to collect my thoughts and work history, and start making some calls. Even if your contacts don't have much, they may know someone that does. If your industry is small enough, word will get around quickly. Not only for you, but also for the company you left. Adapt, keep your options open, be willing to bargain a little but don't go for a ride unless you absolutely have to (medical/insurance/whateve).
Times may be hard, but trained professionals are even harder to find.
Not poking the bear, but if you were near WI, I've got 15+ gal of beer in the basement and a keg 'er two in the garage.
Post by NamelessStain on Jul 15, 2014 10:37:52 GMT
Post by Gingerbread Man on Jul 15, 2014 11:11:24 GMT
Sorry to hear this man. That's lame. They will suffer with the loss of experience. I'd go directly to the competiton and start applying. Shake all the trees you can. Check out www.usajobs.com and www.federalgovernmentjobs.com. Let me know if you need any help or any resume help. I know some good word smiths.
Post by scbrian on Jul 15, 2014 15:11:06 GMT
Thanks guys, I think what's bugging me the most is the "We just dont think you'll fit" o.0 Not "you screwed up" not "times are rough, we're having to layoff", etc, just the "We dont think you'll fit". I could understand if I was not doing and exceeding the work I was supposed to be doing, or maybe had altercations with folks, but it's just kinda a slap in the face that way. :/ Already have a few leads being given to me, but I want to take a few days and sort first. Dont want to jump at the first thing...
Post by Gingerbread Man on Jul 15, 2014 16:42:00 GMT
I don't get that one either. Then again, it's weasel speak meant to be purposefully abigious so they don't get sued. I would guess it's been "court" tested. If they said something about performance, then you could fight it. IF they said something about how you get along with others, you'd have a defense. What is the defense for we don't think you'll fit in? They're talking about a future time period that no one can kow how events will work out, with or without you. WEASEL SPEAK.
Post by omegaman on Jul 15, 2014 18:42:36 GMT
Jeez bro, that really sucks. I have no doubt something better will result. Doozy of a sucker-punch, though
Post by Browning35 on Jul 15, 2014 21:13:41 GMT
I think Gingerbread is on to something on the Weasel Speak.
'We just don't think you'll fit'
That's sufficiently vague while still pointing towards you being flawed somehow, meaning that somehow you being out of a job is your fault (which I seriously doubt is the case). When it's more likely that they're simply downsizing, being sold or something else.
Sounds like that part in the movie Office Space where those two office drone management types are talking about how studies have shown that there's less of a chance of an incident of workplace violence if they fire someone on a Friday.
Post by dannusmaximus on Jul 16, 2014 5:09:18 GMT
That really sucks, my friend. I've been fortunate to only leave jobs voluntarily, but have many friends who have been 'right-sized' or 'down-sized' or whatever the hell you call it these days. It's never easy, even when there is a fairly solid action plan in place (which it sounds like you have).
Good luck to you!
Post by LowKey on Jul 26, 2014 0:57:58 GMT
Quick question: In your state, do you loose the ability to collect unemployment insurance compensation by resigning? If so, why would you resign as opposed to accepting a layoff?
Post by redeyes on Jul 26, 2014 11:00:29 GMT
Sorry it took me so long to see this. That is rough man. Looks like y'all are set to handle it well though. I had something similar happen to me a while ago. I showed up to work and the place had burned a few days before. I just laughed. That job sucked. Had some savings and a part time job to get me by, then got a better job. Sometimes shit works out.
Post by scbrian on Jul 26, 2014 19:45:15 GMT
Quick question: In your state, do you loose the ability to collect unemployment insurance compensation by resigning? If so, why would you resign as opposed to accepting a layoff? Hi Lowkey - long/short - it shouldn't. It should be mostly in-house, however time will tell. The severance was linked to the resignation.